Environment 100 Header

The Environment 100: Recognising our environmental leaders and sustainability champions

The Environment 100 shines a light on the trailblazers and visionaries driving forward environmental sustainability in the UK. As we embark on this journey to celebrate those making a significant impact within the environmental sector, we invite you to nominate the leaders, innovators, and unsung heroes who deserve recognition for their dedication to a greener tomorrow.

Attend the ceremony


Who can enter?

Who can enter?

Open to all within the UK's environmental sector—leaders, innovators, activists, and self-starters. If you're driving sustainability, shaping green policies, or pioneering eco-friendly solutions, we invite you to enter or nominate a deserving individual today.

Make a nomination

Criteria & Categories

Criteria & Categories

Our nominees are evaluated on their impactful contributions to sustainability, innovation, and environmental advocacy. We seek individuals who demonstrate exceptional leadership, forward-thinking, and a commitment to ecological preservation and sustainability within the UK.

Find out more

Recognition Ceremony

Recognition Ceremony

Celebrate the achievements of our environmental champions at our prestigious recognition ceremony at ESS Expo in September. Join us for an evening of inspiration, networking, and honouring those leading the charge towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Attend the ceremony

The Categories

Inspiring Green Leader

Inspiring Green Leader

Recognises individuals who have shown exceptional leadership in the environmental sector, guiding organisations, communities, or initiatives towards significant ecological achievements and inspiring others to act for the planet.

Net-Zero Champion

Net-Zero Champion

Honours pioneers at the forefront of transitioning to a net-zero economy. This includes those making substantial contributions towards reducing carbon footprints, implementing sustainable practices, and achieving significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions in their operations or areas of influence.

E100 Unsung Hero

E100 Unsung Hero

Celebrates individuals working tirelessly behind the scenes for environmental causes, often without the recognition they deserve. Their efforts could range from grassroots activism and community projects to significant contributions in biodiversity conservation or pollution reduction.

Emerging Environmentalist

Emerging Environmentalist

Spotlights young leaders under the age of 30 making a disproportionate impact in the environmental sector. This category recognises the innovative work, activism, or leadership of young individuals passionate about driving change for a sustainable future.

Sustainability Innovator

Sustainability Innovator

Acknowledges those who have developed innovative methods, products, or technologies that significantly advance sustainability. Innovations may involve waste reduction, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, water conservation, or other environmental technologies.


AI and Tech for Sustainability

AI and Tech for Sustainability

Awards individuals or organisations that utilise artificial intelligence and/or technology to address environmental challenges. This category focuses on the innovative application of AI, machine learning, and other technological advancements to enhance resource efficiency, ecosystem monitoring, sustainable development, and the promotion of eco-friendly practices.

Environmental Advocate

Environmental Advocate

Recognises activists and sector advocates who have made notable contributions to raising awareness of environmental issues, influencing public opinion, policy changes, or corporate practices towards more sustainable and ecologically responsible decisions.

Why Enter?

Nominating is quick, straightforward, and a powerful way to acknowledge the efforts of someone making real change—or even to step into the spotlight yourself. In just a few clicks, you can propel your environmental champions into a community of esteemed peers, helping to inspire further action and innovation across the sector. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate the voices and achievements of those committed to crafting a sustainable future. Nominate today and join us in recognising the pioneers of our industry.

How do I make a nomination?

1. Plan

Identify the person you wish to nominate and the category (or categories) you'd like to enter them for. 

Make a Nomination

2. Write

Write your 300 word entry and gather a photo of the person you are nominating and any supporting evidence

Find out more

3. Submit

Press submit! Once the deadline has passed our expert panel of judges will assess all of the entries and whittle it down to just the top 100.

Make a Nomination

Key dates


Sponsor the Environment 100

Sponsoring The Environment 100 presents a unique opportunity to align your brand with the core values of environmental sustainability and innovation.

  • Gain visibility among leading environmental advocates

  • Network and create connections with industry visionaries

  • Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and CSR

  • Reach a highly engaged, targeted audience

Become a Sponsor



How do I enter?

By submitting a 300 word entry and photo via the nomination form Submit Your Nomination

Can I nominate myself?

Yes you can - self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged.

When do nominations close?

Nominations closed on 21st June 2024.


Can I nominate someone who's entered before?

You can, but not if they have been nominated in the last three years. For instance, if they were listed in 2023, they would next be eligible for inclusion in 2026. Your nomination must say what they have achieved since their nomination.

Can I nominate more than one person in the same category?

Yes, but we only shortlist a maximum of five individuals within the same company.

Where does the ceremony take place?

The ceremony will take place on 11th September 2024, during day one of the Environmental Services & Solutions Expo (ESS Expo), in The Summit Theatre. The Expo and this event are completely free to attend.

Does it cost anything to attend the Environment 100?

No but you need to book a free ticket before midnight on Tuesday 10th September 2024. Tickets booked after will cost £49.99.

Can I enter into more than one category?

Yes, you can enter yourself or a colleague into as many categories as you would like to.


Once I've submitted a nomination, when will I be notified if it's been shortlisted?

If your nomination has been shortlisted, you will be notified in July. If you do not receive notification, then your nomination has unfortunately not made the shortlist this time round.