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Sarah Bullock

Sarah Bullock

Associate Director, Atkins

I am an Associate Director at Atkins Ltd, with over nineteen years’ experience specialising in contaminated land and sustainable soil management. I am a chartered scientist, a specialist in land condition (SiLC) and a Qualified Person on the CL:AIRE Definition of Waste Code of Practice. I have significant knowledge and experience working on large infrastructure projects with a focus on ground risk and the sustainable and legal management of soils, in accordance with waste management permits and the CL:AIRE DoWCoP. I aspire to drive and deliver sustainable and cost-effective projects, with a focus on circular economy, waste hierarchy and effective resource management.
I am currently acting as the materials and waste technical lead to the Teesworks project, driving the sustainable re-use of soils, using MMPs and waste permits, as part of the remediation and re-development of the 2,600 acres former iron and steel works site.
I am a member of two focus groups; Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) Materials Re-use Initiative and the Environment Industries Committee Contaminated Land and Waste and Resources Taskforce. In addition to being super passionate about driving digital innovation in our sector especially when collecting verification data.
