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Daisy Powell-Chandler

Daisy Powell-Chandler

Head of Energy + Environment, Public First

Daisy Powell-Chandler is a Director at Public First, leading the Energy + Environment practice and PF's work on Reputation. Daisy has spent her career advising political parties, charities and global businesses. She worked for David Cameron in the run up to the 2010 election, before joining pollster Populus for a number of years, where she split her time between corporate reputation and electoral politics. Later Daisy set up reputation consultancy Meyland Strategy and the reputation podcast Why Everybody Hates You. Since joining Public First, she has delivered campaigns on carbon capture, corporate net zero plans and home insulation, alongside substantive policy work on everything from food security, to the energy bill support and the structure of the electricity grid in 2030. Alongside her work on net zero, Daisy continues to advise corporate teams on reputation and ESG.
