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Enhancing Landfill Odor Controls and community engagement

11 Sep 2024
Air Pollution Control Keynote Stage
Air Quality , Contamination , Professional Services , Waste & Recycling

Community engagement plays a pivotal role in the effective management of solid waste operations, especially within the context of Environmental Justice (EJ) considerations. This abstract explores the multifaceted approach required to address odor complaints stemming from waste management activities. While operational strategies are essential, integrating insights from location demographics and community concerns is equally critical. By examining waste handling processes and implementing odor control measures, operations can mitigate immediate issues. However, understanding the diverse needs and perceptions of surrounding communities is imperative. Factors such as population demographics, socioeconomic status, and cultural backgrounds influence community experiences with odor emissions. Thus, initiatives for community engagement should prioritize inclusivity and accessibility to foster transparent dialogue and build trust. By involving residents in decision-making processes, sustainable solutions that promote environmental equity and social justice can be developed. This abstract underscores the importance of integrating operational perspectives with community engagement to effectively manage odor emissions and advance Environmental Justice in solid waste operations.

Andres Quijano, Envirosuite Manager for Industrial Solutions - Envirosuite
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